Function extracts probable terms from a set of documents. Probable here implies more probable than in a corpus overall.

GetProbableTerms(docnames, dtm, p_terms = NULL)



A character vector of rownames of dtm for set of documents


A document term matrix of class matrix or dgCMatrix.


If not NULL (the default), a numeric vector representing the probability of each term in the corpus whose names correspond to colnames(dtm).


Returns a numeric vector of the format p_terms. The entries of the vectors correspond to the difference in the probability of drawing a term from the set of documents given by docnames and the probability of drawing that term from the corpus overall (p_terms).


# Load a pre-formatted dtm and topic model

# documents with a topic proportion of .25 or higher for topic 2
mydocs <- rownames(nih_sample_topic_model$theta)[ nih_sample_topic_model$theta[ , 2 ] >= 0.25 ] 

term_probs <- Matrix::colSums(nih_sample_dtm) / sum(Matrix::colSums(nih_sample_dtm))

GetProbableTerms(docnames = mydocs, dtm = nih_sample_dtm, p_terms = term_probs)
#>                          folding                 tosuprttedprtmnt 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      importation                               hd 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         civilian                         lysosome 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           capped                       intimately 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           cyclic                           bodies 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          awarded                               sf 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       centrosome                           boards 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       developers                      exploration 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       challenged                           mendel 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           papers                         embedded 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           efflux                             pbps 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     intellectual                             nelf 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        fibrillin                       pathologic 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        talairach                       xenografts 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     demonstrates                             book 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      equilibrium                           testna 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        graduated                           ampars 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           income                       exploiting 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     compositions                       methylated 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                   qualifications                       prjctsmmry 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      tomographic                          endowed 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         oklahoma                          inserts 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      definitions                         surfaces 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       originated                              prb 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                    questionnaire                        recroited 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                   investigations                    stabilization 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           lemons                        fostering 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      myofilament                            acgih 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        rejection                          needing 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       separation                         conduits 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           manner                  representatives 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                    micronutrient                   supramolecular 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       triggering                immunosuppression 
#>                     1.180665e-03                     1.180665e-03 
#>                           budget                        summarize 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          discuss                         dividing 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          shifted                       adequately 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             mais                    heterogeneity 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        cytosolic                           unable 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         biologic                      radioiodine 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                     1.180665e-03 
#>                             nida                         thompson 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     antagonizing                           atomic 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         covering                        remaining 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          repress                          tuition 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     conditioning                     upregulation 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                     1.180665e-03 
#>                            trace                           rtilfo 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       sequential                          minimal 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          silicon                            forty 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>             uiformispctinprogram                      restoration 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                              pls           avrifictinaditwscmltdo 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       rheumatoid      rimaryregltoryrsosiilityfor 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         unfolded                           typing 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     presentation                       procedural 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                            issue                         sustains 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      multiplying                             zone 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     methotrexate                       proteinase 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                            liver                         asesment 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           simply                            stony 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          impairs                       downstream 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       modulatory                          craving 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                            reach                        surrogate 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                               ur                            trait 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          metsall                          secured 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                   microstructure                          imprint 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           permit                        platelets 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          blocked                           harbor 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                            toxic                    consideration 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        energetic                    hemagglutinin 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     participates                      represented 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>               neuropsychological                      shewanellae 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       hydrolyzed                             plcg 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          reflect                         ghanaian 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         collapse                       mitigating 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          missing                       affiliated 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             esis                         concerns 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           latest                      metabolized 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           nested                        supervise 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          ofdairy                           refine 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       governance                            helen 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             bile                           mentee 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           glands                             udca 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          acutely                         anderson 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          station                        viability 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                     1.180665e-03 
#>                          virally                       confidence 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      proficiency                       renovating 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       truncation                 glucosylceramide 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        circadian                           coping 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         composed                         elongate 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           ground                          dictate 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       scavenging                     interviewing 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          sponsor                          chinese 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          proving                     hypothalamic 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        spearhead                            sound 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                               uc                     demonstrable 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                 autofluorescence                      pleiotropic 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         conceals                        utilities 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       scattering                             saha 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     independence                          defines 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        epithelia                        disabling 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       hydrolases                         beltrami 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        dprtmntof                          benzene 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         adopting                          breadth 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     highlighting                            evoke 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          injured                     communicated 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        histology                        countless 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                            golgi                         argument 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             mbrs                     neuroanatomy 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          sandfly                         fourthly 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          unaware                         position 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           deeper                            vital 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     installation                        eliminate 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          proiect                      penetrating 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       interested                          ablated 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      programmers                 parameterization 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           hearts                       chemically 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                    programsrvsas                           govern 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                              bpa                        toppenish 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         consumer                       extinguish 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>             mstcommnlyasscitdwit                       recipients 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         dramatic                        holtgrave 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       membership               sialyltransferases 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          salvage                       transients 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         kinetics                            funds 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          country                        stringent 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        psychosis                         alveolar 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      expenditure                        catalyzes 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       consequent                              gab 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       determines                          choices 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       quarantine                         mandates 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                            aided                            theta 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                    participatory                        prominent 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        landscape                          modular 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      adjustments                              bag 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                   thrombomodulin                         fidelity 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                    professionals                            eariy 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          working                       disruptive 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         governed                          ectopic 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          induces                         transmit 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          pertorm                             mmip 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        documents                    epidemiologic 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      indications                         comments 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        fabricate                            equip 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                            desig                         sahelian 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             sole                        audiences 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             weak                            desai 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>             rgultoryprgramstnars                       usefulness 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          engages                      carcinogens 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      occupations                          disrupt 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                            decay                 ofregltoryaffirs 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       initiative                           escape 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                    glycoproteins                      descriptive 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          evolved                   scientifically 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         overseen                        channeled 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        protocols                              wok 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         sunlight                     constituents 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                 forstnarizigadre                             full 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     developments                        inversely 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           import                             axis 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        epigenome                         validity 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             neck                      appreciably 
#>                     1.180665e-03                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                    intermediates                               wk 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                            label                   systematically 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                    extrasynaptic                         occupies 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       productive                           lysine 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        fractures                         suitable 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                interrelationship                          dispose 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      encountered                       maintained 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                               tl                        synuclein 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         urgently                        visualize 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                            wider                       logistical 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         fixation                           fucose 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        lifespans                           tunnel 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           giving                         athletes 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         suffered                          elegans 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           cement                        machinery 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     aggressively                             sets 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         dwelling                       wscmletdon 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       gatekeeper                         stratify 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          affords                          vaginal 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     survivorship                           dismal 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                     1.180665e-03 
#>                         depicted                        thickness 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       postulated                            loose 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      reproductiv                            mnorc 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>              proramsportadrsurcs                     enhancements 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      oeschlaeger                     advancements 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             pool                         impaired 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        enhancers                          isolate 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           analog                         subtypes 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       preserving                        reviewing 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        similarly                        rogramdes 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                  carcinogenicity                        empirical 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         pointing                        necessity 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                              sdt                            began 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        proximity                         antigeni 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       commission                           filled 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           duties                     premenopause 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       synergizes                               yu 
#>                     1.180665e-03                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                    applicability                           taught 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          created                              reu 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         atypical                        medically 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       colorectum                            extra 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                   neuropathology                           severe 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        timelines                         everyday 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       disrupting                    fnigreqestdis 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             alms                            walls 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             dsif                              wul 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       medication                       moderating 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     localization                     urbanization 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                  anticoagulation                          origins 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                  ursodeoxycholic                     enthusiastic 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     unquestioned                            drawn 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           shifts                            opens 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        disparity                            radii 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      circulatory                          tetanic 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     conservation                         youthful 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          seniors                      constitutes 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         globally                   microorganisms 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     multiphtoton                           exerts 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          publica                         apparent 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           played                        longevity 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         outlined                      oscillation 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                transdisciplinary                              myd 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          session                       frequently 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           arlene                       monoclonal 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             clia                         broadest 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        amplitude                        clinician 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             days                            fresh 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        achieving                         gillings 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     dysregulated                        metstnard 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           clonal                    recapitulates 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                     1.180665e-03 
#>                             eerl                        permanent 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           versed                              dca 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         indirect                             reeb 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           cables                           yearly 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                  multifunctional                            gabaa 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       expectancy                       ventricles 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          firstly                        connected 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                   transactivator                             ucla 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       absorptive                          roadmap 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       antagonize                             faye 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          advisor                            hclir 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                            hours                          tecnter 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         approval                           filter 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           rsosil                            cific 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                            moves                      toxoplasmic 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           thirds                              nas 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      eliminating                         unharmed 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        geometric                        sequenced 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           yakama                      respiratory 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          calorie                     unexpectedly 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       endogenous                      toxicologic 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           dosage                       reassorted 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           solves                         seminars 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        obtaining                              fed 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        insertion                            chief 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                    rearrangement                       lentiviral 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             born                            macro 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         proofing                          tilizdt 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                    manufacturing                         overview 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       amphibians                          certify 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        thousands                         bleeding 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     aminobutyric                        addictive 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        suspected                            start 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          managed                         underage 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       equivalent                        occupancy 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       uninfected                               um 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          outward                          subtype 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        knockdown                     infiltration 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      unassembled                     biologically 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                            oftte                          lactate 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     optimization                     governmental 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           galnac                           county 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             trie                            atlas 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      underserved                           fungal 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>       forfodsafetyadaplidntritin                            sulci 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      undiagnosed                     degenerative 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           stages                        recovered 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       reductions                             cure 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        truncated                              rti 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         seminara                         spectral 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       interferes                        botanical 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>              frdraftigadimlmntin                       overseeing 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                            alarm                        paralyzed 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#> regltryproramsadiscurrntlyerlldi                sialyltransferase 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        arthritis                           scenes 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                              fxa                            recur 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                  straightforward                      preparation 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                            noted                   reconstruction 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          severed                      commitments 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       adolescent                        dementias 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        mechanics                         purchase 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        summative                             ways 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             qpcr                      integrative 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       underiying                       resilience 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     complication          requirdtimeframsasotlie 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       atmosphere                         currents 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     polymorphism                       dominantly 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          sharing                          stiffen 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       informatic                       inspection 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          avenues                          segment 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      transferred                          defects 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       extramural                   longitudinally 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             pure                             cdks 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          strides                        virtually 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                               sq                           larger 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       deficiency                           attend 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      identifiers                        fragments 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        telomeres                      facilitated 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                            peace                          fasting 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      programming                         scanning 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             perk                        recognize 
#>                     1.180665e-03                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             lgrc                         industry 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       comparable                       proportion 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                               dk                        vegetable 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       washington                          fibulin 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      upregulated                  microaspiration 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          returns                           gastro 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           occupy                              sin 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                  imlmntigprcdres                      tispersnwul 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        toxicants                      compensated 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      clostridium                           sensed 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         squamous                           losses 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         purified                    independently 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           summer                             mood 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          upgrade                         jennifer 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           surger                       outpatient 
#>                     1.180665e-03                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        auslander                              stt 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                            wound                        harnesses 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                     1.180665e-03 
#>                           summar                          lactams 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>             rtilprogramstnardsas                         shortens 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       emphasizes                    ascertainment 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     understudied                           player 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                     1.180665e-03 
#>                       excitatory                       preventing 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                     1.180665e-03 
#>                         lifespan                              ora 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                 hypofractionated               glycosphingolipids 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        postulate                      cnfrmncewit 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         cracking                         geometry 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      endocytosis                            links 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     historically                             vast 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           venues                           chosen 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       atypically                     displacement 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                            nddru                     fibroblastic 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                              igg                     incompletely 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         compiled                        constants 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        dominated                              nci 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                            andor                   differentially 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        awareness                       difference 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                     1.180665e-03 
#>                              hlf                          humoral 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      interpreted                    randomization 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      dynamically                      lithocholic 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      innervation                       generalize 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                  phoslactomycins                      hepatocytes 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        sequences                          writing 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        authentic                   sustainability 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       replicaion                        absorbing 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        remediate                           stamps 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        adjusting                          tection 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          authors                        neoplasia 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          gendron                          vibrant 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                              von                      proteolytic 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                              mds                     sufficiently 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        existence                            ligil 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             marc                     neuroprotect 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         brachial                           albeit 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           forces                     quantifiable 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           plants                             tree 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                            alpha                         leukemia 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         ganglion                        ensembles 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           clinic                       adaptation 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         ischemia                       terminally 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        scavenger                             side 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                              gal                       microflora 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                    intrinsically                           remote 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      frequencies                      introducing 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                 biocompatibility                    combinatorial 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           clonic                       accessible 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         publicly                      persistence 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                    announcements                            share 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                              roi                           rltins 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          notably                         lymphoid 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         radicals                             pkss 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           deepen                   xenoestrogenic 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       covariates                        naturally 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>              neurointerventional                        procedure 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                               ph                chemoradiotherapy 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        regularly                         thriving 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                              fyn                           adjust 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                               tg                             call 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           lindau                           clades 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           breaks                 sociodemographic 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           poised                     manufactured 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             loop                          sterile 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         explicit                         waveform 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                              fos                              ohb 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          degrade                             dyes 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                  translationally                         resident 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       retroviral                           bonomo 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         preserve                     underpinning 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       dissociate                         influece 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           twelve                             adds 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                              gpl                          laplace 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        cultivate                      diagnostics 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      prominently                         withucdc 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             tefo                         advocacy 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        statewide                        assistant 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      facilitator                             nrsb 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                            tonic                           panels 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         classify                           richer 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          conduit                   administrators 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     productively                  glycoproteomics 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           penams                           latent 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     environments                      protections 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          ventral                      generalized 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      indoleamine                       abrogating 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         peterson                          mutated 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       extraction                      trachomatis 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        forefront                    acinetobacter 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       invasively                               gd 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      accumulates                           bridge 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         eighteen                       simulation 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      adaptations                      appreciated 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           proton                           probes 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                               ft                             drtc 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         accounts                      nutritional 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         personal                          hobbies 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             mtts                      cooperating 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         ofterisk                      untreatable 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         biopsies                           boosts 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       undertaken                       genotyping 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          nteract                         eventual 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             tslf                       penicillin 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                            agist                        responded 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      shortcoming                        instituto 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           acetyl                         assisted 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          collect                            delta 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                    accelerometry                    concomitantly 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        baumannii                             fail 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          phospho                          involve 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        endocrine                           donors 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        penetrate                         predicts 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           tagged                            fates 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         marshall                          sensing 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                              pam                          threats 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          subject                            fuels 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                              job                             lags 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                            crypt                          matched 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        dosimetry                           malian 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          elicits                        situation 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          tuchman                      glutathione 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             live                          impacts 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        worldwide                              cdc 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          readout                              pbp 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                              www                  intracellularly 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                  decarboxylative                        boltzmann 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           campus                   carcinogenesis 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         restores                             eqtl 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                              teu                         breeding 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       deciphered                      distinctive 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                              fda                            terms 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          replace                        nerlimitd 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         assembly                       chronology 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           strate                           timely 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       antibiotic                          soluble 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         regarded                         putative 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      restriction                         channels 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         relating                             acts 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         medlated                      antagonists 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        overdoses                         spanning 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           insect                        excluding 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          request                   electrostatics 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         referred                        leveraged 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        husbandry                        epidermal 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       intravital                        taxonomic 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       substitute                     telemedicine 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         adjuncts                            north 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                    phosphorylate                              wih 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     extinguished                            loads 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       repeatedly                        confirmed 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      differently                        evolution 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                         calpains                        pericytes 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                     1.180665e-03 
#>                     productivity                            front 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                   polybrominated                          stipend 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                          symptom                      surrounding 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           varied                            paths 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     ameliorating                      hydroxylate 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                            flora                         ionizing 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                      consultants                        eforcemnt 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        stressful                   proteotoxicity 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                   epidemiologist                         linkages 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        withstand                       carcinomas 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                    contraception                     partnerships 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                           secure                     collectively 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     matriculated                     practicality 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             fish                        superfund 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                             pump                           closer 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       connecting                          mission 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                       limitation                             seer 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        inability                              qtl 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                               rl                      contributed 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                     manipulating                            train 
#>                     1.180665e-03                    -4.632847e-05 
#>                        succeeded                             cehc 
#>                    -4.632847e-05                    -4.632847e-05 
#>  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 4210 entries ]